50,000 thoughts a day. That’s what we do, we humans. How many of them are new? Less than 5%. We are. by default. habitually churning through the same thoughts without much changing… That’s quite a leak in our effectiveness and impact. So here’s my invitation: take a few minutes with me right now to “grab a wrench” and perform a Pattern Interrupt. I’m going to literally do it “with you” as I write this. First, change your location. Get out of the seat you are in and move to a new spot, even if it is just across the table or the other end of the couch. As you go, grab a piece of paper or open a blank document on your screen, and take the next few minutes to write out your answers to these three questions: 1. Which thought or thoughts do I habitually re-think that represent the biggest “leaks” in my life? 2. What’s the cost to my life (and/or those around me) of habitually repeating those thoughts? 3. What one thing do I commit to TODAY to interrupt that thought pattern and create a new possibility? Now go do what you committed to! And email me to tell me what it is, if you’d like. Mine was simple. I’ve been habitually thinking/worrying about what one particular person will do and/or think about me. It has cost me stress, irritability, and even some loss of sleep. What I commit to today is that each time I become aware of these thoughts, I will energetically give this person my permission to think/do whatever they need to do, and allow myself to be at peace with that. Thanks for joining me in this Pattern Interrupt, I now return you to your regular stations… Zemo |